Thursday, 13 June 2013

So it Begins

So, I have finally made it to London alive.
It has been a busy few days so apologies in advance
for the lack of posts for a few days while I get settled.
I am looking for a job at the moment so I haven't been at
my house for too long at any given time.
I have however managed to sneak into a few shops while
I was out and about so I'm sure I will have a post coming very soon.

Until then,


1 comment:

Thank you so so much for your comments!
I visit every blog I get a comment from and will try my best
to return the favour.

If anyone has any questions about the post I will reply directly to that comment in case anyone else was wondering too. :)

Thanks again you guys and if you want you can
tweet me @Lisa_Corbett

L xo