Saturday, 30 March 2013

The Irish Fashion Innovation Awards and OOTN

As I said in my last post ,On Thursday I attended the fashion Innovation awards.
I gave a sneak peak of my outfit in the last post. I'm not gonna lie but it was nearly impossible
to get a nice photo while I was there. The lighting was horribly yellow and make me look ill.
However, I took a few but they aren't the best. 
The night itself was good and the winner for student designer of the year was a student from
the college I go to , Micheal Stewart. His dress Was gorgeous.

The Finale this year was a designer called Delphine Grandjouan from the House of Delphine.
Her wedding gowns were amazing and is definitely worth a look.

Hope you all have a great weekend/ Easter,
Talk soon,



Skirt // Boohoo
Jumper // Zara
Shoes // Next 

Thursday, 28 March 2013


I've been a bit busy the past week 
and I've actually just caught a cold. wah.
However, I have taken everything I can to keep it
at least on hold so I can get through this evening.
I'm going to The Fashion Innovation Awards in Galway.
I will do a proper outfit post later but right now here's just a sneak peak.

I also did a make up shoot yesterday with a friend and I will also be doing a
post on that shortly once I get the photos. 

Talk soon,

Jumper// Zara
Skirt // Boohoo

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Padded Cells

I got this top last week off Asos. I had it bookmarked for aaages 
and I finally decided to buy it when it was like 70% off. yaya.
It's kind of weird but its burgundy and I cant resist that colour.

Talk Soon,

Horizontal Padded Top // Asos
Skirt // Topshop
Boots // Topshop

Monday, 18 March 2013


Doing my usual Instagram Post
a day late as yesterday was St. Patricks
day and what not and I was nowhere near a computer.
So this is what I got up to this week in photos.
you can follow my instagram heeeere  . 

Also, News that Google Reader is being shut down was announced 
last week and I thought I would jump on the band wagon 
and ask you all to follow me on bloglovin if you haven't already.
You can do so HERE

Talk Soon,

Outfit deets// Old Keds//
me and the boy// mac rebel//
new vogue// boy pretending to be me//
lunch// college work //

Wednesday, 13 March 2013


Quick detail post today.
Didn't think my outfit was overly interesting to do
a full outfit post. Lounged around doing college
work today. (being somewhat productive) 


Top, Belt AND skirt //  Primark
(didn't actually realise this until now)

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Chilly Ankles

To say the least I have done absolutely nothing today.
It's evening now and I have no idea where my day went.
I have done absolutely zero college work and went for a nap instead.
I did go to the gym though. Brownie points for Lisa.

So, Today's outfit post is super casual, and all black. of course.
I got these keds Id say about 5 years ago and wore the life out of them
until I misplaced them and forgot they existed.
When I went home for the weekend I came across them
under the mountain of shoes that live in our utility.
So I thought, Why not.

I do feel 15 again. I remember wearing them back then and thought
I was so alt because I had blue shoes. I definitely was no where near as alternative
as I thought. Probably looked like a bit of a mug.
However, I have re-adopted them and their scruffy look
and am giving them a second chance.

Hope you all are having a slighty more productive day,
Talk Soon,

Jumper // H&M
Disco Pants // American Apparel
Keds // Schuh 

Monday, 11 March 2013

Snowy Spring

I had thought The cold weather was slowly disappearing
but as I am sitting here typing I can see that it's snowing a small bit outside.
It's just as cold as it was all winter and any sign of summer has vanished. wah.
Hope you are having a great Monday,
Talk Soon,

coat // primark
jumper // topshop
shirt // primark
jeans // primark
boots // topshop 
necklace // primark 

Sunday, 10 March 2013


 The usual instagram post this evening.
Hope you all had a nice weekend. 
Back tomorrow. 


outfit details // asos package //
collar details // OOTN //
me and my bestie // Little Lisa // 

Friday, 8 March 2013

Sneaky Peplums

It was quite a busy week and I was a terrible blogger.
Productive in other areas though (ie. college work)
I got this lace top while I was in London and have only
gotten around to wearing it. I love anything burgundy.
It's such a winter colour though so I might have to part with it soon.
It's actually a peplum top but I don't really think they suit me so 
I just tucked it in to my skirt. 


 Ps. Sorry for the not so fantastic photos. The lighting was shocking and I have no
willing photographer with me so it was a balance on any kitchen utensil kind of job. 

Top // Zara
Skirt // Topshop
Belt // Primark 

Monday, 4 March 2013

OOTD: Lost Collar

Starting off Mondaaay with an outfit post.
Made a pair of jeans today. That was about it.
only left the house once.
Lazy but I guess a small bit productive.
I got this collar AGES ago but never wore it
and had forgotten I had it. wooo new stuff.


Jumper // topshop
Collar // primark
disco pants // american apparel
boots // topshop

Sunday, 3 March 2013


Hope you all had a great weekend.
Had the laziest Sunday ever and have
no plans to to a single thing. 
Here are just a few instagram pics 
I took this week. 
You can follow me here :)

Talk Soon 


 Outfit details // collar details//
bloggy pic// new brief //
passing time in a lecture//  new dress