Friday, 1 February 2013


Just a quick instagram post. I'm heading to London in the morning
so I haven't had the chance to blog with college and getting ready for
my trip. I'm actually going for market research so I had to get a few
things done before I go.
I wont be bringing my laptop with me so I wont be
able to post for the week BUT  I will be back
with lots of outfit posts (with hopefully new clothes) the
following week.

Until then,
Have a great weekend,

L xo

P.s. I will probably be instagramming the life out of my trip and tweeting if
you want to follow me here and here.

college research// cold day// outfit details// 
At MAC// Outfit deets again// my cute bday card my friends made me//
New Lippy// Red Lippy// lou lou and me// Bloggy Post


  1. I think I have that green studded belt, is it from Primark? If so I love it and I have your Mac lipstick is Rebel. It would seem we have very similar taste ha x

  2. Everything looks great, I love the lipstick!


  3. LOVE making it onto Lila's blog! :) xxx

  4. Great pics!

    I really like your blog and your style,
    I´m following you :)
    Maybe if you want, you could visit my blog too
    and if you like it, follow me back!


Thank you so so much for your comments!
I visit every blog I get a comment from and will try my best
to return the favour.

If anyone has any questions about the post I will reply directly to that comment in case anyone else was wondering too. :)

Thanks again you guys and if you want you can
tweet me @Lisa_Corbett

L xo