SO, as some of you may know I have just moved over to London
for the summer and one of my main plans was to get an internship.
One would think it would be easy enough to get one. Email a few places,
go for an interview, get the job....Wrong.
Over the next few weeks I'm going to be writing about the whole intern process
to help any of you who are looking in to getting one.
This is my first internship so i'm learning along the way and hope some
of my experiences can help.
SO, How does one get an internship?
1: Email Everywhere: Very seldom you will come across a fashion magazine/PR company that
would deal with phone calls from aspiring interns so your best bet is to go on to their website and find an email address. Next step is to email every company in the area of your interest asking if they offer internships and how can you apply. Don't just apply to huge well know companies as smaller companies can sometimes be better and you will learn TONS more as you will more than likely have more responsibility.
Another great way to find out about possible internships is online via twitter. LOADS of companies
advertise internships on their accounts. One of the best accounts to follow is
Nevertheless, apply anywhere and everywhere you can.
2: Follow up: If you hear back from places asking you to contact them at a later time, DO!
Don't be afraid to follow up emails. If you are really interested in a place get back to them.
Emails are great but they can get lost so if they asked you to get back to them email them
to let them know you are still interested. (twice if you have to)
3: CV and Cover Letter: These are vital! This will be the first thing a company will ask for when
considering you for an internship. Make sure you're CV is up to date and alter your cover
letter to suit the company. Do your research!
4: Don't Give up: Looking for internships can get incredibly frustrating but the best thing to do
is keep going. I applied to at least 100 places and heard back from about 10. I had my heart set
on one place halfway through all this and with a bit of patience I ended up getting an Interview.
In my next post I will give all the details and tips for The Interview.